Now Booking


Free sample edit


Now Booking ā€¢ Free sample edit ā€¢

Supporting busy mums who dream of writing a novel. From idea to finished manuscript.

Your story, elevated.

Developmental editing & book coaching

Specializing in romance, historical and contemporary fiction

The girl behind Victoria Jane Editorial

Hey Iā€™m Victoriaā€¦.

Iā€™m a writer just like you!

Writing was always my safe place; it was how I could sense my thoughts and emotions. As a child and teen, I kept a million journals.I grew up on Art Attack and Mr. Dressup. Hello messy creativity.

But I struggled with self doubt and Iā€™m a busy mum of threeā€¦

  • I didnā€™t have a formal education in creative writing.

  • My spelling and grammar were less than stellar.

  • I believed I wasnā€™t creative enough.

  • Writing a book felt incredibly daunting. 

Until I was wandering through a castle garden in Scotland and Elleā€™s story hit me HARD, I knew I had to write it. That day, I finally admitted out loud I wanted to write a book.

I decided to start Victoria Jane Editorial because I LOVE supporting authors follow their dreams.

My expertise in developmental editing extends beyond the mechanics of storytelling. My role as a DE is to help you tap into your authentic voice and hype you up while providing supportive feedback.

Nothing brings me more joy than seeing authors fulfil their dreams and get their book in the hands of readers. If you are ready to take the leap-letā€™s chat!

Your story matters

Your story matters

ā€œSo make the friendship bracelets, take the moment and taste it.ā€ ā€” ā€œYouā€™re On Your Own, Kidā€

Sun sign: Aquarius

Favourite Movie: Erin Brochovitch & The Holiday

Favourite drink: Coffee

Favourite place: Ireland

Favourite book: Currently The Nightingale and Fall with Me

Favourite trope: Slow burn baby, he falls first and grumpy x sunshine

Taylor Swift song of the moment: Whoā€™s Afraid of Little Old Me

Published Novels

For those with an idea or half started draft

ā†’ You have an idea for a story but are overwhelmed with how to start.

ā†’ You want to write characters that readers love but so far they fall flat.

ā†’ You are worried you donā€™t have the time to write and will never finish.

ā†’ You crave accountability and work best when you have someone to bounce ideas off.

ā†’ You love writing but sometimes feel guilty for spending time on your story.

What does book coaching look like?

What does book coaching look like?

Nourish: Three months book coaching

Taking you from idea to first draft. Nourish will support YOU during the writing process. Each week we will meet and workshop ideas, map out your story and create swoon worthy characters readers fall in love with.

  • 3 x 50 min calls a month: This is where we workshop ideas, work on outlines, map out characters and dive into all the mechanics of writing fiction

  • Telegram support Wednesday-Friday: On demand support to bounce ideas, get feedback on writing and share.

  • 10 pages of editing feedback per month: This is a great way to learn and grow as a writer. The feedback is designed to support YOU and look at whatā€™s working and what might need shifting.

    $475 per month or $1500 PIF CAD

    *need a different payment plan-reach out.

Your story matters, letā€™s tell it.

Book coaching is designed to take the stress out the writing process.

The is perfect for busy mums who dream of writing but feel guilty for not doing something for themselves. Nourished is meant to fill up YOUR cup and by default that spills into life outside of writing. If an idea is coming to you, thereā€™s a reason.


  • Having someone in your corner hyping you up can be a HUGE game changer. Book coaching blends support, accountability and on demand feedback.

  • Yes! Book coaching 350 per month or 1050 PIF.

    There is an option to extend the payment plan to six months

    *3 month minimum-this also gives you the most bang

  • You get 3 x50 min calls per month. In my experience this doesn't overwhelm your system.

    Wednesday-Friday telegram support

    10 pages of editing feedback per month.

  • That depends on many factors. The goal with Nourish is to set you up for success. You will leave with clear ideas and direction. Even if you don't finish, you will have the tools to do so.

For those with a finished manuscript

ā†’ You have a finished first draft but sharing it with someone feels TERRIFYING.

ā†’ You are overwhelmed by how to start the revision process.

ā†’ Want to make sure everyone loves your characters as much as you do.

ā†’ Ready to have fresh eyes on your novel because you KNOW itā€™s going to be someoneā€™s favourite

The Basic Edit

  • Chapter feedback

  • Emailed assessment/feedback on your novel with resources.

  • 30min call to chat post edit

    $497 Manuscripts 75k words or less
    $697 Manuscripts 100k words PLUS

The Full Developmental Edit

  • Chapter feedback and inline comments

  • Full novel assessment (2500 words)

  • Resources to help make your novel stronger

  • 50 min call post edit to go over any questions

0.02 CAD per word

*Payment plans available for both

The magic happens in the journey.

Writing your book is only the beginning.

What does a developmental edit look like?

What does a developmental edit look like?


Send me a 1000 word sample of your novel. This is a great way to get an idea of how I provide feedback and if it lines up with your writing goals.

PHASE TWO: Ghost mode (in a good way)

Relax while I dive into your novel and provide chapter by chapter feedback, resources and manuscript assessment.
Editing happens in 10-20k sections which usually take up to 10 business days. This allows for payment plans


You get your novelā€™s edits back via word doc celebrating what is working and what I loved. You will also get resources and supportive feedback that maintains the authenticity of the story while elevating it.


Once your novel is complete you will receive either an emailed assessment or a full editorial assessment summarizing the overall feedback of your novel.
Book your 45min call to go over feedback and answer any questions.

*Novels 75K take appox 6 weeks to edit.

Choose your own adventure-keep editing, send your book to beta readers or start the publishing process.


  • You need to have finished draft to get the most out the experience.

  • Yes! A $100 deposit secures your space and it taken off the first round of edits. I edit in 10-20k sections and will send you an invoice after each section is complete. Once it's paid I'll start on your next section.

  • It comes down to budget and how polished your manuscript is. Both editing packages offer high level feedback and will set you for success. You will leave confident and ready to tackle the revision process.

  • This depends on the type of edit and word count. Typically a full developmental edit will be completed as quickly as 6 weeks. It's super important to make sure our timelines align if you have deadlines.


  • A. Huber

    I am so appreciative of the time, care, and effort you gave to my novel. Your feedback was amazing and considerate. You really showed that you understood the novel's intention of exploring a marriage, it's ups and downs, and that pivotal moment when two people are on the cusp of making monumental decisions about their future. I can't thank you enough for the encouragement and the confidence to tackle this piece to make it even better. You gave my novel such a careful read and really highlighted the potential hurdles that may have been causing some of the rejections I have received. Your careful notes were so kind and encouraging and has really made me enthusiastic to re-edit this piece and try and kick it back out into the world.

  • D. Rangel

    I so appreciate your voice as an editor and the way you critique with such a genuinely positive slant, I can tell you wonā€™t let any authors feel totally crushed by critiques or suggested changes but encourage and support the creativity and make the author feel more confident in their abilities to make a scene stronger or make a character arc more involved. I didnā€™t know what to expect but I certainly expected more harsh criticism and was so delighted by the encouraging way you critique.

  • D. Laj

    Wonderful! I've had beta readers in the past but your feedback really pushed on some of the scenes to develop more while also helping me streamline things.

Letā€™s get this party started.

My free gift to you

You are a writer: free mini course


Learn how to support yourself when self doubt gets a little too loud. 

Spark your creativity and discover the power of play.Simple practices that help you to get writing. 

What you get:

  • A workbook to connect to your inner artist with practical tools and resources to get writing.

  • Meditations to connect to your inner artist and relax your nervous system

  • A digital journal for you to go deeper, journaling prompts to spark self-exploration.

  • 4x15 min training videos to help you get writing

 Sign up, and you get all the magic sent to your email!!

Come be social.
