Hey girlfriend, nice to meet you.

HEY I’m the face behind Victoria Jane Editorial and Book Shop Chats.

If you didn’t know by now, I’m a romance writer and developmental editor dedicated to helping fellow writers achieve their dreams. My journey into editing began with a love for storytelling and a desire to support other authors in bringing their visions to life.

Currently, I’m writing my debut rom-com, *With You I Glow*. This heartfelt story follows Elle as she navigates the ups and downs of anxiety during a chance trip to Ireland, all while discovering the magic of love.

Whether you're a writer seeking guidance or a reader looking for your next great romance, I'm here to share my love for storytelling and support your creative journey.

I live on the west coast of Canada and am happiest exploring cute coffee shops and bookstores.

Education & Training:
Member of Editorial Freelancers Association

  • Interpersonal Communications for Human Services: UFV 2018

  • Communicating Professionally to Academic and Workplace Audiences: UFV 2018

  • Developmental editing Fiction Theory: Liminal Pages 2023

  • Developmental editing in practice: Liminal Pages 2023

  • Voice & Viewpoint: Writers Digest University 2024
    Developmental Editing EFA 2024

Get to know me.

A few of my favourite things.

→ Coffee

→ Moody misty Octobers

→ Lemon pasta

→ Gilmore Girls

→ Books because duh…

  • I'm a certified hype girl & will go out of my way to cheer you on and make sure that you succeed.

  • I am a sucker for well branded coffee shops

  • I started handwriting fanfiction in highschool. And still have the proof.

  • I LOVE all things Ireland & Scotland, probably why both countries make an appearance in my novel.

Grumpy meets anxious sunshine.

Elle has the biggest heat but struggles with overthinking & anxiety. She’s terrified of disappointing others which only hurts herself.

Meet Alex Flemming.The deets: 6’2, tattoos, Scottish, dark hair and blue eyes.

He’s moody, sarcastic, sensitive and nursing a broken heart. A perfect mix of grumpy/sweet. The question remains will he be willing to take the leap and face his fears?

A book teaser: With You I Glow


Ugh…why are earth did I agree to this? A blind date on Wednesday afternoon, a root canal sounded more enjoyable. This was so far out of comfort zone my palms start to sweat. 

The door to the cafe swings open and a guy in his late 20s wanders in, my eyes glance a the photo Britt sent me. This must be him. He’s taller than I expected and is wearing a blue suit, the kind I see all the hockey players wearing. 

I’m dying, well maybe that’s dramatic but heart hammering in my chest is convincing me otherwise. 

“Are you Elle by chance?” 

As I stand up my hand catches the pitcher of water on the table and I send it flying all over me. Leaving my floral dress damp and cold. 

I stand there awkwardly for a half second too long before nodding. 

“Uh yes, that’s me. You must be Tyler, Britt’s cousin.” 

Britt was the pastry chef at my parent’s bakery, Irish Soda Co. She was bright and bubbly, the total opposite of me. Apparently I’d be doing her a huge favour by taking out her cousin. Now I was beginning to wonder if the was some cruel joke. 

“So Uh…how are you liking the city?”

“Great so far, didn’t expect the girls here to be so hot.”

“Hi I’m Mike, I’ll be your server today, ready to place your order?” 

I take a sip of water and have never wanted to hug a waiter more than I did at that moment. Is this normal for dating now?

Tyler hands back his menu as his gaze lands on the hostess across the room. It’s beyond obvious but I sit there like an idiot. Sometimes I’m certain that I have “doormat” written all over my face. 

“What do you do for work?” He asks through a mouthful of food. 

“I work as a youth care worker at a local high school.”

Tyler nods and continues eating. There’s a long awkward pause as I push my food around my plate. This date was rapidly going downhill and all I wanted was to get out.

Just say words Elle.


“I mean you’re here for work right?”

I can feel a heaviness start to creep into my chest. My eyes dart around the room. Tyler is talking about something to do with his work, numbers maybe? I can’t seem to focus on the words. 

My eyes land on him again. “So sorry, I just need to uh..run to the bathroom.” 

He gives me a nod and before I’m up, his phone is in his hand, though not before his eyes land on my chest. 

Seriously dude. 

I grip my purse tightly and weave through the restaurant. As soon as the door shuts a frustrated groan escapes. Between the anxiety and Tyler’s wandering eyes this date would be filed under what the fuck was I thinking. 

When I come back from the bathroom I hear Tyler on the phone. After knowing him for 20mins he’s definitely not subtle. 

“She’s hot that’s for sure, the things I’d do to her.” 

I pause, lingering out of view. 

“That’s where it ends though, if it wasn’t for her looks I’d think she’d be living at home with 10 cats. She’s got zero personality.”

And there it was. The confirmation that one Tyler was a total dick and two she was always too awkward for guys.  

My shoulders slumped, I was always the girl who was pretty but when it came to conversation I lacked in smoothness. Even if Tyler wasn’t the guy for me, knowing that other people think I’m as weird as I feel sucks. 

Fuck this. 

For once in my life I decided to be bold. And by bold I mean avoiding the situation and walking out of the restaurant.

The sun was beginning to set, June in Vancouver was my favourite. Especially when like tonight, it wasn’t raining. 

I pull out my phone, hand hovering over the group chat titled “GIRLS”

Me: This was total shit show, that’s it. I’m done with guys. 

Kate: Oh no, that good eh?

Hazel: What did he do? 

Me: Well, apparently I have no personality but would make a good fuck. 

Kate: Want me to egg his car? I’ll make devilled eggs. 

Hazel: Seriously? What a dick. 

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