Developmental Editing

Tap into your authentic voice and take your story to the next level.

The Basic Edit

$497 Manuscripts with 75K words or less
$697 Manuscripts with 100K words PLUS

Do you want fresh eyes on your novel?
Are you unsure if your character is likeable?
You can’t quite figure out the ending.

THE BASIC EDIT will be your BFF.

The basic edit is perfect for those who have a finished draft and/or done a couple rounds of self edits. You know it needs something but aren’t sure what direction to go. The basic edit sets you up for success as you tackle the revision process.


  • Overall feedback on characters, plot, story and pacing.

  • Resources to support your writing.

  • Chapter by chapter feedback

  • 30min call post edit to go over any questions about the novel

Fill out your details below and send your first 1000 words to for a FREE edit.

0.002CAD per word

Hey writer I see you are ready to take your novel to the next level,
BUT you are nervous about the process and want a safe place to share your book baby.

Don’t worry I got you :)


Your manuscript has been through a number of rounds of self edits


You are ready to dive deep into your story and get it published.

You are getting ready to query agents


You want to put your head down and get serious about self publishing.

The full developmental edit is a high touch experience that gives you both eyes on your novel AND an editor in your back pocket.
AKA I will be available to support you with any mindset or writing questions through Telegram.


  • Overall feedback on characters, plot, story and pacing and much more

  • Resources to support your writing.

  • Chapter by chapter feedback and a editorial report that offers an overview on the WHOLE novel.

  • 50 min call post edit to go over any questions about the novel

  • Email support Tuesday to Friday

Fill out your details below and send your first 1000 words to for a FREE edit.

Full Developmental Edit

Don’t take it from me.

Explore some of the amazing authors I’ve had the pleasure of working with.

  • I got specific feedback on how to improve the book, a mix of praise and constructive criticism, and bonus - outside resources to reference.

    Heather L.

  • My experience was great! Victoria's feedback was very encouraging and helpful. She was very specific with examples or questions to help me show what my character is doing or thinking rather than telling. Using her feedback will improve my novel even more! I'm very excited!

    Fleur S.

  • I see that I chose the right person for this job! Your suggestions and insights are terrific. Just the kind of thing that I’m looking for, especially your suggestion of introducing Reign before Cuny

    Frederick R.

  • It comes down to budget. Both edits will provide high quality feedback. However a full developmental edit can go deeper into the story with in-line comments.

  • Yes! Pay in full or payment plans are available.

    The basic: $100 secures your space and we can split the remainder into two payments of $198.50.

    Full DE:
    $100 secures your space and I will edit your book in 10-20K sections. After each section you'll receive an invoice. You can spread out your book over a few months if that works best.

  • Like all art developmental editing is also subjective. My goal with your novel is to maintain the integrity and authenticity of your voice. I look at the big picture of the story from the perspective of a reader. Do the characters feel flat? Are there plot holes? How is the pacing? Is there too much telling etc?

    From there I'll offer suggestions/ examples based on the mechanics of storytelling to help you make the story SHINE.

  • Sorry that is out of scope. I can help you make sure your chosen genre fits into what is selling. Though that doesn't guarantee it will be picked up by an agent.

    Remember it's about the long game, Just become you get a no doesn't mean your novel is bad.


If you have any question reach out

Come be social.
